Let’s Dance – I. JORDAN: I AM JORDAN (Ninja Tune)

by Ben Hogwood

What’s the story?

I AM JORDAN is a celebration. I. JORDAN, real name Jordan Tek, has written this 10-track album as a dance music diary, a celebration of ‘collective ecstasy as a mode of self-discovery’.

It expresses “joy as a trans person, and trans joy generally, working with trans people, making all this fun music together”.

What’s the music like?

Without overusing the word, this is a joyful piece of work. I. JORDAN certainly knows how to get people up and dancing, and does so in a distinctive way that immediately lets the listener know who is involved. This is fundamentally house music, but making use of a number of other different styles, covering trance, a splash of hardcore and a touch of garage to make its point.

It’s also very cleverly crafted. The intro and outro work perfectly, raising the expectations (When Lights Flash) and bringing us back down to earth (Rapt Finis) In between, the highs include Real Hot n Naughty, featuring Felix Mufti, Casino High and The Countdown, each of them using the first principles of house music with nippy beats, clever riffs and clipped percussion. The rolling beats and bass of Butterlick, featuring Sister Zo, are also a treat.

Meanwhile the more introspective tracks, Reification and Pathetic Fallacy and People Want Nice Things, also work a treat, the latter setting flickers of treble against thick bass notes.

Does it all work?

It does – and with the guest artists, I AM JORDAN feels like a communal album, not just the product of one creative mind.

Is it recommended?

Enthusiastically. I. JORDAN have made a hugely uplifting dance music document, one that makes you smile pretty much as soon as you start listening. When it sets you down in a heap some 45 minutes later, there is the sort of satisfaction you get after a night on the dancefloor. Job done.

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Published post no.2,193 – Wednesday 29 May 2024