Switched On – Galati: Cold As A February Sky (Glacial Movements)

by Ben Hogwood

What’s the story?

Galati is the moniker by which Roberto Galati is best known. The Italian producer has completed his first long player for the Glacial Movements label, writing in the shadow of the Karst Plateau in a blend of cold ambient music and a warmer post-rock.

What’s the music like?

Evocative – and certainly representing the album title. Many of Galati’s pieces are built on slowly shifting loops, with bright textures and fresh scoring.

Galati makes good use of the guitar early on, especially on As still as these high mountains.

After that, the music clouds over, and uncertainty and jeopardy are in play. That day exploded silently all around me is a dramatic about turn, its harmonies uncertain and the textures glowering in the half light. These are partially resolved on the following track, With wide, unbelieving eyes, with subtly wrought drama. After that the intensity subsides a little, though there are still vivid images that remain. Gradually the music comes to rest.

Does it all work?

It does. This is a dramatic album, best heard in one sweep so that the musical statements get to make their most powerful impact.

Is it recommended?

It is. This is a bold and lasting statement from a producer whose grasp of short and long structures is right on the money.

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Published post no.2,187 – Thursday 23 May 2024